Hi Eddie, Paul, Jacek, VLF,
Thanks for watching. I already saw the poor propagation during the first
element and later the spectrogram slip. So it looks like Paul and Jacek
could be the only watching stations who can produce a well looking
spectrogram in the end...
Meanwhile the 7 is completed :-)
73, Stefan
Am 10.04.2017 09:37, schrieb g3zjo:
Hi Stefan
Conditions are not as good during daylight as when you decided to give
DFCW a try in 424 uHz. It will be interesting to see what happens
during today.
There was a glitch also at the start from my end. When I arrived home
the shack had been locked up and in full sunlight, soundcard error was
around 3.7ppm, I decided that was maybe a bit near to 5ppm with the
hottest day of the year in progress and upped the limit to 10ppm, not
realising that SpecLab would do its funny little scroll forward trick.
Attached is a view of D K - with the gap produced by the scroll cut
out. A pretty marginal D, it may have been compressed by the scroll
forward, but it is there.
73 Eddie G3ZJO
On 09/04/2017 13:05, DK7FC wrote:
Today, 12 UTC, i'm trying to leave my call on G3ZJOs 8270 Hz 424 uHz
grabber. It may be visible on other spectrograms as well...
73, Stefan