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Re: LF: Re[2]: LF: Re: DK7FC EbNaut message on 8270.1 Hz decoded nr Mosc

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: Re[2]: LF: Re: DK7FC EbNaut message on 8270.1 Hz decoded nr Moscow by RN3AUS
From: DK7FC <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2017 14:20:47 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <> <> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3
Thanks Alex,

It looks like the 369 kB file including your mail did not come through, so i make it available in a zip file here together with your sr file, in attachment

I reproduced the results 100%. Also i see from show_rawsyms3b that the transmission is completely inside the FFT, so no losses...

The QRN was high during that transmission (DL-RU), thus only 14.43 dB in 32.6 uHz.
During the last transmission (73) it was 17.66 dB in 32.6 uHz
And during the FB-message it was 11.69 dB in 32.6 uHz

It rises the question if there can be some kind of QRN forecast for VLF. Just the global thunderstrom announcements?

FB and DL-RU was quite on the limit :-)
Let's risk something more again and try:

f = 8270.100000 Hz
Start time: Saturday 18.Feb.2017   18:00:00 UTC
Symbol period: 30 s
Characters: 7
CRC bits: 16
Coding 16K21A
Duration: 10h, 24m, 0s
Antenna current: 700 mA

73, Stefan

PS: No transmission tonite. I keep the frequency clean for Markus and Uwe !?

Am 17.02.2017 13:26, schrieb [email protected]:
Hi Stefan, VLF,
in the attacment are files for "tutorial of vlf ebnaut decoding process".
Unfortunately speclab on eeePc was restarted at morning of 15feb because of some reasons therefore this file has minimum available offset, sorry.

Ok, grabber is running!

Пятница, 17 февраля 2017, 14:59 +03:00 от DK7FC <[email protected]>:

Hello Alex,

Very nice! Congrats again to that result, 5 characters over such a distance, i think is is beyond of what i've expected what's possible on that path. :-)

A time offset of 14184 seconds. Instead of 15_FEB_2251_8270-1pps.txt it would be interesting to try 16_FEB_0221_8270-1pps.txt where the time offset is just 1584 seconds. It would be interesting to see if the Eb/N0 is the same or better.
Can you provide the txt file and sr file via the reflector? There are some OMs in the background who need something as a turorial, EbNaut newcomers :-) The file size is small enough.

I'm planning further transmissions for the weekend...

73, Stefan

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