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Re: LF: Re: DK7FC EbNaut message on 8270.1 Hz decoded nr Moscow by RN3AU

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: DK7FC EbNaut message on 8270.1 Hz decoded nr Moscow by RN3AUS
From: DK7FC <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 11:32:14 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <> <> <[email protected]>
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Sender: [email protected]
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3
Hi Alex, Paul, VLF,

It was a really happy moment when that decode appeared. Alex has sent me the txt file to reproduce the decode, tnx. My PC took 81 minutes to pass the whole decode process. There was just that signle decode, no additional false decodes or different phase combinations.
I attach the wav file, if someone wants to play with it (reproducing the result).

Alex' recent spectrograms have shown that the night propagation seems much better regarding the obtained SNR. Last night i tried a first 2 character transmission with same parameters but a different message. We will have that result in a few days i guess. I started the message before knowing that the first one successfully decoded.

Now i'm a bit more optimistic and will try 3 characters next:

f = 8270.100000 Hz
Start time: 14.Feb.2017   20:00:00 UTC
Symbol period: 30 s
Characters: 3
CRC bits: 26
Coding 16K21A
Duration: 8h, 32m, 0s (same duration as the first 2 messages)
Antenna current: 700 mA

73, Stefan

Am 14.02.2017 10:35, schrieb Paul Nicholson:

Congratulations to Alex and Stefan.   Another first
added to the list.

An excellent result, making good use of list decoding (list
rank 1744086).   A good choice of settings by Stefan.

-67.2 dB in audio bandwidth.

Here in Todmorden, a nice decode of Stefan's 13th 20:40 message
at +15 dB Eb/N0.   I expect you will decode that one Alex.

Paul Nicholson

Attachment: ebnaut10_FEB_1234_827-nmea1pps.wav
Description: Wave audio

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