Hello Alex,
Oh yes! Congrats to that reception! You are the first one who managed to
receive amateur VLF signals in Russia. This is a very remarkable
Most interesting to see that trace and now we have some idea about the
signal strength on your side, so we know a bit about propagation
(day/night) and we could try to transfer a first EbNaut message from DL
to RU, if you like :-)
Maybe this is also inspiring for other people in your country, so spead
it into the forums :-)
It is a path of 1990 km distance:
73, Stefan
Am 30.01.2017 17:47, schrieb Alex K:
Hello Stefan,
Looks like we did it!
In attachment are screenshots: trace in 47 uHz and spectral maximum
with short blured trace in 10 uHz.
My congratulations - first DL-RU trace on Dreamers band!
73 de rn3aus/Alex