Hi Stefan
Always better to see a half filled bottle ! ;-)
Your monitor at the forest is running very well. I can see a great difference in signal from NE antenna
in my path to NW antenna. Colour spectrogram aproaches to tropical fishes in a tank. MF art indeed :-)))
Tonight I noticed TWO stations monitoring MF from Reunión. Michel, FR5ZX and also FR5DN
Can see that FR5DN is normally active in WSPR at 40 and 20m. Let's see what happens tonight
73 de Luis
Hi Luis,
Am 02.01.2016 11:30, schrieb VIGILANT Luis Fernández:
[...] They have very high noise level around S6. So, the good news is that they have a lot of room
for imporving
Hihi, i know that argumentation from my own thinking. I am so happy that i still have some QRM in the forest because that means that i can further improve the system performance :-)
Hopefully the QRM is generated by my own system (Raspi or DC/DC converter). But i doubt...
73, Stefan