Not a lot of real active LF/MFers and will be good to meet all in own group.
We can all wish Michel good luck in the process of getting on air.
Reunion in VLF ! :-)
... well that's a natural match - for many years, La Reunion had been the site of the famous Omega "E" transmitter:
The memoirs of John Alvin Pierce contain interesting and sometimes amusing documentation about the ideas behind Loran-C and Omega. They are available online on Poul-Henning Kamp's website:
French and Norwegian Loran-C is scheduled to close down tomorrow 11:00 UT - to my eyes, another sad loss.
All the best,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 5:59 PM
Subject: LF: RE: FR5ZX back on WSPR MF
Got an answer from Michel FR5ZX
He has improved the Rx antenna
We have just modify this antenna and we have now a 50m long slooper and it seems better than before. Last night, conditions were bad and you were the only EU station to be readable peaking to -12dB so FB!
I hope he joins the refector soon. He is working on a PA but at the moment only 50W
On TX, we have troubles with our 630m PA and can get only 50W at this moment; not enough for doing QSO with EU. We would like to built a more powerfull PA, something like 500W but lack of components here in Indian Ocean! Exciter is a
TS590S using transverter output. On RX, we use a Winradio G313E and we were able to copy (up to 529) SAQ transmissions on 17.2 kHz using Miniwhip antenna. Incredible!
Reunion in VLF ! :-)
Michel is back ! :-)
2015-12-29 21:22 EA5DOM 0.475785 -24 0 IM98wn 1 FR5ZX LG78pu 8796 129
2015-12-29 20:38 EA5DOM 0.475785 -25 0 IM98wn 1 FR5ZX LG78pu 8796 129
2015-12-29 19:54 EA5DOM 0.475785 -21 0 IM98wn 1 FR5ZX LG78pu 8796 129
73 de Luis