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Re: ULF: Key down signal on the 101 km band, still on the air

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: ULF: Key down signal on the 101 km band, still on the air
From: DK7FC <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2016 14:16:02 +0200
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
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Hi Paul, ULF,

I just remember these curves, see attachent.

Even on our path, the 101 km band seems to be not the easiest place to be :-) There could be a 20 dB disadvantage even on our short path. It doesn't matter, i will simply transmit 100 times as long :-) Once you got my peak, you can easier optimise the settings and we can do calculations and estimations...

I have completed the first stack (1 of 8) of my new coil intedned to generate 40 kV at 2.97 kHz. It has 350 mH, the loss is 107 Ohm at 2970 Hz. It can handle 350 mA antenna current without problems. For a HV test i need the PA which is in use now :-) Images: and

73, Stefan

Am 06.07.2016 08:48, schrieb Paul Nicholson:

Stefan wrote:

> The carrier is on the air since 9 days now, without
> an interruption.

Nothing is visible, not even the beginning of a peak at 2970,
down to bandwidths of 1.36 uHz.

I continue to experiment with the settings of filters and
sferic blanker. The noise floor is too high, averaging
0.023 fT in 1.36 uHz even after blanking the noisy periods.
It should be a lot lower than that.  If I can fix that problem,
we may see the signal appear.

Paul Nicholson

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