Hi Paul,
Nice and exciting!
2.97 kHz is somewhat special regarding noise blanking. First i put the
usual band filter of 3 kHz width and 1 kHz slope centered to 2.97 kHz on
the signals. In the upper half, the sferics become less dominant when
going down from 5 khz to 3 kHz. In the lower half there is man made
noise, hummmm from the railway and mains harmonics. It helped to move
the filter center frequency to 3.97 kHz, so the sferics become more
dominant and man made noise less dominant, see attachment. The noise
blanker is now working better...
73, Stefan
Am 06.07.2016 08:48, schrieb Paul Nicholson:
Stefan wrote:
> The carrier is on the air since 9 days now, without
> an interruption.
Nothing is visible, not even the beginning of a peak at 2970,
down to bandwidths of 1.36 uHz.
I continue to experiment with the settings of filters and
sferic blanker. The noise floor is too high, averaging
0.023 fT in 1.36 uHz even after blanking the noisy periods.
It should be a lot lower than that. If I can fix that problem,
we may see the signal appear.
Paul Nicholson
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