I grabbed a recording from Bielefeld via Wolf's online receiver.
Got the correct message at rank 3721 Eb/N0 = -1.6 dB, BER 41.8%,
there were no stronger false decodes, so that's a genuine detection
at distance 207.6km.
df6nm to Bielefeld: 358.7km
df6nm to dk7fc: 174.9km
dk7fc to Bielefeld: 301.7km
I guess dk7fc and df6nm have the best chance of background noise
(or some interfering signal) being correlated sufficiently to
share a false decode.
Running the Todmorden signal through the decoder with list
length 12 million and -f9 option (linux version only: outputs
all decodes not just the strongest of each phase trial)
produces a few thousand false decodes on a full phase search
and eventually turns up a GL at rank 11802142 with Eb/N0 -9.6 dB.
Paul Nicholson