Hi Joe,
Tnx for the report. Can you confirm the signal strength is still as
strong as before?
It is very strange, the signal appears quite weak in my local world
receiver (ferrite antenna). I already thought the PA stage is damaged or
something else. However i can see the signal of DF6NMs grabber. But it
would still be anyway when beeing 30 dB weaker... ;-)
Still 599?
73, Stefan
Am 24.01.2015 10:56, schrieb Joe:
Hi Stefan,
nice "little" signal, RST 599
73 Joe
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von DK7FC
Gesendet: Samstag, 24. Januar 2015 01:34
An: [email protected]
Betreff: LF: CW bacon on 136.5 kHz starting 7 UTC
Hi LF,
Today, 7 UTC i will start to run a CW bacon on 136.5 kHz which will run for the
whole day.
Reports welcome.
The recent idea to run such a bacon over the xmas days resulted in a very high
feed back. Not sure if it has to do with the bacon but there appered several
new stations since these days on MF in CW(!).
There was a discussion about LF / CW too. I know that e.g. I5EFO already did
some tests.
Well, at least a few may listen to the low frequency transmission i expect. It
is also a nice effect to mention the reporting stations in the bacon text so
each SWL (or LWL) get's an impression who is listening at all...
TX and Antennna is prepared, SpecLab running, PTT (RTS line) will be activated
07:00:00 UTC...
73, Stefan/DK7FC
PS: Just did a test with a frozen loading coil. The antenna current was high!