Oh, thanks for the quick response, even in daytime :-)
I already got email reports from newcomers, like DL2FBI. It seems to be
something special for them (actually it is, of course!! :-) ) because
many of them prepare videos (see here:
https://mediencenter.t-online.de/static/mc.html#share/show ) and send
long emails. DL2FBI even reported about spontaeous experiments with
different antennas (all for HF bands!). I bet this will motivate a few
to become active on the band!
Hey, folks, let us think/discuss about a CW beacon section in the
band (maybe 474...475 kHz) in 200 Hz wide channels where CW
transmissions can be run.
In the message we could announce a common weekly activity day, e.g.
sunday 18 UTC, alternatively x-band 80m/630m. That could result in a
big pile up, newcomers and some website reports or radio magazine
reports, resulting in even more activity.
A revolution! :-)
I'm curious about the incoming reports and do intend to run the message
during the next 3 days or so. The email reports will give a direct
feedback about the usefullness of such transmissions.
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 23.12.2014 16:37, schrieb Roelof Bakker:
Excellent copy, albeit the signal is just 8 dB over the band noise in a
1000 Hz bandwidth.
HSP does the rest!
Roelof Bakker, PA0RDT