Ok Joe ,
If your not in 'rx' mode , you can run at 100% , tx cycle , that's
still at 50% duty cycle
not many showing on the map at the moment , this time last night ,
there where 20 !
Ive posted in the Opera and Rsgb Lf groups , in case some one picks up
on it later , your side .
From: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:08 AM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: VO1NA OP32
Thanks Graham for the info. The transmission was delayed by
one minute and started at 0000utc. Tonight's programme:
~36 mins of opera, ~36 mins of silence, ~36 mins of opera,...
until EU dawn or so.
73 Joe VO1NA
On Fri, 21 Jun 2013, Graham wrote:
Thanks Joe,
This is the pattern from the software , should be the same !
Symbol time is important , the data clock needs to be as good as
possible , by 'good' that is as good as a 'pc' not as in uHz ,
clock drift and/or pulse width will affect the minimum decode s/n
Good luck 73-G..
Symbol times
Opera05: 0.128 s
Opera1: 0.256 s
Opera2: 0.512 s
Opera4: 1.024 s
Opera8: 2.048 s
Opera32: 8.192 s
From: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:14 PM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: VO1NA OP32
Dear Group,
With many thanks to the group members for their kind assistance, Markus
and Graham in particular, A satisfactory exciter is presently QRV
and will be returning the OP32 code (that Makus recently sent by email)
on 137.555 kHz starting tonight 20 June at 2359 utc. The back-yard
flux will be ~10^30/s.
Good luck to any who will be monitoring and please feel free to let
me know if you receive an indication of the sigs.
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