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To: RSGB LF Group at blacksheep <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: MF : RTTY ?
From: wolf_dl4yhf <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 09:50:14 +0100
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Greetings all,

There was a powerful RTTY signal around 476.4 (?) kHz yesterday, european night, which didn't look like the military stuff but an amateur transmission. Tone spacing about 200 Hz. I tried -in vain- to decode it with MMTTY but no luck, whatever combination of buttons on the main screen were clicked.
Anyone with more luck here ? Try another software ?
It's been many years since I last used that mode, with a DJ6HP "Filter-Konverter"...

73,  Wolf  DL4YHF .

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