Indeed it was a very famous book, possibly one of the first
books I read myself.
Hotzenplotz is indeed the name of a 'robber'..
(well I'm also almost 50, and *my* hair does turn gray ... :-)
"Zutritt verboten" . "Zutritt
strengstens verboten" . "Zutritt allerstrengstens verboten" .
Beware of Petrosilius Zwackelmann
A magician
Indeed. A bad magician, who locks the hero of the story away in
a ... was it a cave or a cellar.., and warning signs with almost
the same text as on Stefan's photo, on the fence) don't really
scare off the hero :
"Entrance forbidden" on the 1st door.. "Entrance strictly
forbidden" on the next door ... "Entrance ultimately
forbidden"... etc.
Wolf .