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Re: LF: AFN Heidelberg

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: AFN Heidelberg
From: wolf_dl4yhf <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 16:59:33 +0100
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Hi Stefan,
Interesting playground.. the sign on the reminds me of Räuber Hotzenplotz (can we have that in english?) :

"Zutritt verboten" . "Zutritt strengstens verboten" . "Zutritt allerstrengstens verboten" .

Beware of Petrosilius Zwackelmann when you start cutting the hedges. He may not be amused, and lock you in the cellar :-)

  Wolf .

Am 29.12.2013 16:18, schrieb Stefan Schäfer:

Today i visited the AFN Heidelberg transmitter site. The transmitter is active on 1143 kHz and causes a few volts on my active antenna input... The location looks quite boring here on a wet and overcast day. The antenna looks like less than 100m to me, maybe just 70m. And there are a lot of hedges arround. I would cut them... :-) It was said that the transmitter goes QRT within 2013. Maybe this happens tomorrow?
73, Stefan/DK7FC

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