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Re: LF: remote antenna tuning

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: remote antenna tuning
From: Stefan Schäfer <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 19:53:37 +0100
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Oh yes, or, a phase meter (M0BMU) and a battery operated variometer motor. Without an additional cable to the shack. Then the SWR meter in the shack confirms that everything is fine.

73, Stefan

Am 08.11.2013 19:40, schrieb pat:
Hi All,

A suggestion: battery operated tuning device at antenna end and "wireless" link back to shack. Wireless can operate at a non-interfering frequncy (HF/VHF/UHF/Optical).


On 08/11/13 16:09, Stefan Schäfer wrote:
Hi Rik,

Am 08.11.2013 16:06, schrieb Rik Strobbe:

Hi Stefan,


remote tuning of the loading should be done by optimizing SWR (at the TX), not for maximum RF current.

If one keeps that in mind there is no problem.

...which is in agreement with what i said.
But once you have matched your antenna to 50 Ohm on resonance and you can only vary the reactive part of the antennas impedance (after doing QSY), then you will get the maximum antenna current at best SWR (assuming that Rrad+Rloss is constant which is not to far from reality).

I am not sure if I will keep the remote variometer tuning. It needs some extra wires to the loading coil and I am not sure how long the small DC motor will function properly with all the rain and frost coming up.

Here it holds since more than 2 years for LF now..

73, Stefan

73 de pat g4gvw
es gd dx
qth nr Felixstowe
East Coast UK
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