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Re: LF: JA7NI in WSPR-15

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: JA7NI in WSPR-15
From: Stefan Schäfer <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 23:24:36 +0200
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Hello Yas,

Am 24.10.2013 17:39, schrieb Knight Ao:
Hi Stefan,

Since there is no modification needed for his DFCW tx, Kuni must have adopted 2FSK WSPR, hi.
But he must use a PC and the WSPR software to generate the signal. Sure, he could also use another exciter (e.g. raspberry pi based) but i guess this is even more unlikely :-)

Guess he needs some more time to play with it and get used to a digital mode.
Yes, the first step is done :-) Maybe you can help and convinmce him to try 4FSK ;-)

In the meantime, I have temporarily set up opds32 now, but don't know if my current setting really works!?
Am sure you will detect some local transmitting stations to get first results.

Anyway, I will listen for you on WSPT15 tonight.


Yas - Tokyo

I am running the TX in 100% TX mode WSPR-15 since 4.5 hours now but, so far, without success to JA. But the condx are not as good as 2 days ago :-( At least i know now that the TX and all parts can stand a permanent key down transmission ;-)

73, Stefan/DK7FC
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