Hi Yas,
2FSK, ooh. And this works?? Obviously.. But why not the real WSPR?
Probably there is no TX converter available? I just thought about an
analog circuit to modulate the xtal frequency of a normal VFO, using a
varicap diode and a high Q resonance circuit, to allow TXing WSPR.
Could work..
Yas, are you ready for OPDS now?
Today seems to be much better propagation to JA again. There is a first
promising 10 dB SNR peak at 13:40 UTC!! If this continuea as expected,
there could be a 30 dB SNR peak at 16 UTC! But first another dip will
come arround 15 UTC, i.e. soon :-)
I will continue to try in WSPR-15 on 137.610 kHz.
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 24.10.2013 13:55, schrieb Knight Ao:
Hi Stefan,
JA7NI is using 2FSK instead of 4FSK WSPR. JH1GVY has
devised a method that can utilize a DFCW tx to transmit quasi WSPR2.
The 2FSK WSPR seems to be 3-5dB weaker, especially when there is
QRN/QRM. Even so, KL7L and UA0SNV/UA0AET might have a chance of
receiving, but I don't think he is receiving WSPR for the time being.
Yas - Tokyo
This morning i saw JA7NI on the WSPR database/map. As far as i know he
was only QRV in QRSS/DFCW/CW during all the years. Maybe the very high
number of active WSPR stns in JA convinced him to try this mode.
So far there were just "local" decodes, not sure if it was a QRP test.
But it could be interesting for UA0SNV, KL7L and DU1GM? Maybe even
interesting for me, if he is receiving :-)
73, Stefan/DK7FC