----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 1:21
Subject: Re: LF: Over the Pole and far
far away
Alan - ive not seen any transpolar ( love that word) openings yet at all
since the sun has gone period. By this time last year dcf39 was there up
to audible levels at times
You watch it will open tonite just to get us scratching the cranium even
more .
Another mechanism im sure here and I need to read more books. Im happy
with the rx system gains and overall s/ns and cant do much more
We will see how autumn goes- snow is down to 2500ft so I need to get the
cables finished before i loose them in the White stuff.
Hi Laurence yes its possible the proton didnt
seem to be up on NOAA and at this time of year there is still a reasonable
amount of daylight so I dont really know I havent found any other mechanism
that account for that amount of change. The Dst isnt brilliant but its not
that bad and bouncing around a bit so there is nothing there to suggest big
absorption. The only thing is the surprisingly quiet nature oof Solar
actiity for this time in the cycle. How long has it been depressedthat badly
with you??
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013
10:37 PM
Subject: RE: LF: Over the Pole and
far far away
Thanks Alan - yep could be leakage but this
morning I see the low/high Proton levels were way up just
for a short while and now back down to flat line too - though I see
whe are going to get a little Coronal for a
This isnt just on LF MF but even HF is a little
depressed - so maybe a little kick of the present mid lat K3 will
help. Odd stuff this... DCF39 is something like >50dBr or
more down on where it was this time last year (on a good
Even the Path to Texas wasnt good last night at MF.
Cheers from a snowy hilled Alaska
Laurence KL 7
[email protected]To:
[email protected]Date:
Tue, 17 Sep 2013 19:11:12 +0100
Subject: Re: LF: Over the Pole and far
far away
Hi Laurence, thaksor your observations. It
does not seem to absorpyion by precipitated electrons. However the solar
X-ray flux has been very quiet for some time now(which is a bit odd)
I wonder if we are suffering ionospheric leakage at least on your path.
That is where not all th signal is refracted but a considerble
portion goes right through the E layer out into space??
If that is the case what we might need is a
minor geeomag storm to beef up the electron density again.
Alan G3NYK