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Re: LF: More earth electrodes tests at 472kHz

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: More earth electrodes tests at 472kHz
From: Stefan Schäfer <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2013 19:34:52 +0100
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Hi Roger,

Congrats to the interesting results. I bet many of us have thought that the signals will be significantly lower when then system runs on batteries. However keep in mind the QSB and changing propagation which may influence your results. Best may be to do the tests in daytime and in a range below 200 km or so. The results remember me on my full size dipole experiments in July last year. Everybody expected the the signals must be down in the noise but later i had several QSOs in normal CW, with a /p equipment...

73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 07.01.2013 18:36, schrieb Roger Lapthorn:
Just fed everything from a 12V battery (no mains grounds) and result unchanged. 
It STILL works.

Now QRT until late this evening as my Internet signal in the rear study where 
set up temporarily is too weak to reliably sync time without all the doors 
open! After about 10.30 I'll try again when we go to bed and leave all internal 
doors open, HI.

Fascinating results.

Roger G3XBM

On 7 Jan 2013, at 16:57, g3zjo<[email protected]>  wrote:

Yes still a good signal.

I take it there is no Earth connection via the TX chassis - PSU route either.

You know I am pretty sure that round here I would get dreadful hum from 2 earth 
When I was the other side of town and much younger I melted the innards of my 
AVO Multiminor measuring between two earths. Also I ran a 6 Volt fan and 
charged batteries via a diode between Neutral and an earth spike. The fan would 
go so fast on a Sunday morning (electric cookers) that it would take off.


On 07/01/2013 16:36, Roger Lapthorn wrote:
Since 1608gmt I have been WSPRing with an even shorter earth electrode 
"antenna" ( baseline about 15m) with BOTH ends connected to ground rods in the 
soil. Max connecting wire height still 1.5m. Yesterday I used the house pipes as one 

Initial tests suggest reports are almost identical, suggesting the true " loop in 
the ground" hypothesis rather than propagation aided in any way by pipes. This is 
NOT the case at VLF.

Most fascinating that this tiny "non antenna" works at all.

Roger G3XBM

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