Hello Wolf, Peter, Markus, Marco, MF,
Will someone of you be QRV tomorrow in the afternoon?
Really looking forward to that time :-)
GL tonite!
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 28.07.2012 20:10, schrieb wolf_dl4yhf:
Hello Markus,
Despite thunderstorms lurking over Belgium at the moment, I intend to
activate DF0WD on MF again.
Possibly in CW or QRSS / DFCW, or maybe Opera if I manage to get it
running properly.
Good luck to all operators,
Wolf .
Am 28.07.2012 17:11, schrieb Markus Vester:
The LF / MF guys from Erlangen
(club station DK0UR from OV B31) are having an MF fieldday near
Marloffstein, JN59MO. Roland DL3NDR is currently beaconing Op4 on 477
kHz dial (about 478.8 kHz RF). Then Walter DJ2LF intends to take over
in CW 472.5 kHz around 15:30. If the wx stays favourable they will be
able to operate overnight.
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)