Dear LF Group,
Blew the dust off the 73kHz PA and had some QSOs with other regulars on the
band this morning - I have been sending beacon signals on 72.35kHz most of
the afternoon, consisting of a mix of CW and QRSS3, on the off-chance that
casual listeners might be tuning in to the band. I am now QRT while I check
this e-mail at work, and do some shopping - but I will probably be back on
again later in the evening, when I will look out for other stations on 73k,
or might try for some cross-band 73k - 136k QSOs of anyone is interested
and the QRN does not become too ridiculous.
Tomorrow morning I will be looking at 72.0k+/- around 0700utc - 0800utc
before listening for SAQ at 0830 and later times, but will probably try
73kHz again in the afternoon. I plan to take a few hours off on Monday AM,
and will try to check my e-mail between now and then,so that would probably
be the best time for any skeds. Then I will be QRV again in the evening for
the last few hours of 73k.
Hope to see you there,
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU