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Re: LF: Re: Measuring earth resistance

Subject: Re: LF: Re: Measuring earth resistance
From: "Dick Rollema" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 18:00:59 +0100
In-reply-to: <002301c2a517$e080e650$0000a398@yourw92p4bhlzg>
References: <>
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To All from PA0SE

Ralph Lane wrote:

Dick, conventional wisdom says that the soil resistance becomes  lower as the soil becomes wetter. However your measurements indicate the antenna ground loss becomes greater with increased wetness. Perhaps there is another coupling mechanism here. For example, if one had a loop antenna suspended in free space, would the ground loss resistance become zero?
I am also surprised that wet ground results in higher earth resistance than dry ground. It is also remarkable that the resistance decreases when the wet ground is frozen.
I don't feel competent to offer an explanation.  Alan Melia has observed the same phenomena and he brought forward some ideas that I repeat here.

Hi all, Finbar EI0CF measured one of our spiral evolutions under several
different weather conditions. Finbar's site is right on the shore of
Trawbreager Bay so he has sea water close at hand. When we had increased
the top load the ground loss was ultimately reduced to about 20 ohms in
normal (dry) conditions. As one might expect when it was actually raining, a
high loss resistance was measured. (There would have been a water film over
the plastic coated wire used. ) This loss reduced immediately the rain
stopped, but the loss resistance still remained about twice the normal "dry"
value. Even long after the rain has ceased the loss stayed high whilst the
ground was still freshly wet. The measured loss did not return to normal for
about 24 hours afterwards.
I assume fresh rainwater has a high permittivity and also a high resistance.
Over time salts will disolve into the wet mass reducing its resistivity.
These measurements are still in my file as I had not yet decided how to
explain the results. However in view of "corroborating" evidence I will see
if I can pull then together. All measurements were done using a simple RF
bridge described on my web site.
Cheers de Alan G3NYK

I think that a loop antenna, suspended over ground, will suffer less loss because its near field is mainly magnetic and I assume this results in smaller currents generated in the earth than an "electric" antenna will do.  But there are experts on loops on the reflector and they may care to give us their view.

73, Dick, PA0SE

----- Original Message -----
From: Dick Rollema
To: LF-Group
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 7:39 AM
Subject: LF: Measuring earth resistance

To All from PA0SE

There were some requests for info on the way I measured the earth resistance of my aerial system.

In 1988 I made an impedance bridge with a noise source.  In the first version of this e-mail the circuit diagram was included but it did not pass the reflector. 
Most bridges of this type have a transformer between the noise amplifier and the bridge circuit. But I found it impossible to make the bridge frequency independent up to 30MHz. By putting the transformer between the bridge circuit and the detector I managed to make the readings reliable up to 30MHz.

For measuring earth resistance I connect the bridge between the bottom end of the loading coil and the earth connection, after disconnecting the transmitter from the coil.  The X-control is left at the zero position
The detector (receiver = "ontvanger " in Dutch) is tuned to 136.5kHz and the vacuum capacitor in parallel with the tuning coil and the R-control of the bridge tuned for minimum noise.  The minimum is so frequency-dependent that it becomes deeper as the bandwidth of the receiver is reduced!
The total resistance of the aerial system can then be read from the R-control. But for better accuracy I measure its value  with a digital multimeter.
From the value so found I subtract the loss resistance of the loading coil. What remains I call the earth resistance. Of course in that value are also included the radiation resistance and the resistance of the aerial and earth wire, But these quantities are negligible as compared to the earth resistance.

In the earth resistance will also be included losses in the aerial insulation and in the capacitance of the aerial to surrounding objects like trees (no trees in my case). But these losses are impossible to separate from the real earth resistance.

Measuring earth resistance at 50Hz has no meaning  for the loss at 136kHz because the earth resistance (impedance is more correct) is frequency dependent. At  low frequencies earth acts like a resistor, at high frequencies like a capacitor in parallel with a resistor.

I find the loss resistance of the loading coil with its tuning capacitor in parallel as follows.

I use my W & G signal generator and tracking selective voltmeter type PSM-5. The generator is connected to a one-turn loop that is positioned at some 35cm from the bottom end of the coil. An oscilloscope probe is connected to the level meter and hung near the top end of the coil. The aerial is replaced by a variable capacitor (broadcast receiver type). The PSM-5 is adjusted to 136500Hz and the variable capacitor tuned for maximum voltage over the coil and its value noted. The PSM-5 is then tuned higher and lower to the frequencies where the voltage over the coil has dropped to 0.707 (-3dB) of the maximum. The frequency difference between these two frequencies is B (I use a frequency counter to improve accuracy; B is rather small). This yields Q = 136.5/B (Q = 350 in my case).
The value C of the variable capacitor is then measured. This yields the reactance of the capacitor
X = 6.28 * f * C ohms.  Because there was resonance this is also the reactance of the loading coil in parallel with its tuning capacitor.
We now find for the loss resistance of the loading coil: R = X/Q.

My measurements support the findings by Alan Melia. The earth resistance is higher in winter than in summer and is maximum when the earth is soaked with water. When the water freezes the resistance goes down.

I hope this info is of some use.

73, Dick, PA0SE
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