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Re: LF: some signals needed

Subject: Re: LF: some signals needed
From: "James Moritz" <>
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 15:51:56 +0000
In-reply-to: <>
Sender: <>
At 14:23 05/03/2002 +0000, you wrote:
Hello Group,

there will be a meeting with young people on Saturday next weekend. Location is Goslar near Hannover(Germany). The subject is to build a very simple LF-RX in a couple of hours. At 17:00 to 18.00 UTC(03.08.2002) we will try to listen for your signals. Please send in qrss3- or dfcw-mode or hell on the LF band. The RX is specified to 137,7kHz +/- 50 Hz. So jason92-mode are also welcome but we can't tune below 137,650 kHz. Because of using a small RX-active-antenna, no chance will be given for response. Thank you in advance for any signal beaconing.
73 es tnx Bernd, DF8ZR

Dear Bernd, LF group,

I hope to put out a QRSS3 signal for you somewhere in the 137.65 - 137.75 kHz range, starting around 1700, assuming I get home in time, and the wind has not blown the antenna down again!
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU

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