Looking forward to it
Argo has been and still is an
essential part of life on LF. It's ease of operation has been a blessing to
those of us somewhat less computer litterate individuals. Thank you
very much, your efforts really are appreciated I can assure
Chris, G4AYT.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 5:10
Subject: LF: Re: ARGO Help Needed by
On 12/1/2010 12:19 PM, Knight Ao wrote:
JA7NI, Kuni, is looking for someone that can provide him
with a modified ARGO capable of displaying a wider freq
coverage at QRSS120. I asked VE7TIL one time who had
provided such a modified ARGO version to him, but he told
me he forgot who that gentleman was. Any help would be
I have in my list
of things to do the version 2 of Argo, which will sport different screen
sizes, depending on the PC where it is run, with different frequency spans,
among other changes.
As I feel it as a low priority item, it has been
preempted by other more important things, but it will be done, hopefully in
a not too distant future.
73 Alberto