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Re: LF: VE7TIL Grabber Restored...

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: VE7TIL Grabber Restored...
From: Stefan Schäfer <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 22:23:25 +0200
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
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Hello Scott,

Thanks for the very interesting information.
Can you explain why DLF or the algerian stn is almost 50 dB S/N but DCF39 is not visible at all?

Do you expect a beacon transmission from Germany could be successfully received at VE7TIL?

On your advice / request i can immediately start beacon transmissions, each night if wanted, no problem at all. My variometer is not automatic so far and usually i resonate the antenna to 137.7 kHz. Thus, i can QSY say +- 70 Hz but not much more. I'm afraid people become angry if i would TX in the TA band but i cannot QSY to 136.177 in the moment. So, if you would like to test with me, maybe you can run a temporary extra SL instance on a frequency of your choise arround 137.7. I would then try to leave a trace on your grabber, beeing an optimist, you know ;-)
Would use a mode of your choice (DFCW or QRSS=
So tell me if you want to try!

Looking forward to the season.

73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 13.08.2011 21:47, schrieb Scott Tilley:
Hi All

After a computer crash, I needed to restore some corrupted files on the dedicated grabber computer. This is done and the grabber is again posting to the internet.

Over the last two days the trans-Pacific path has dramatically reopened for the first time in months. Condx appear good! See the 153KHz Plot for just how good! Keep a close eye here as we approach Fall as the EU dx will start to appear. Usually the Algerian station appears first...

PS - I'm stilled vexed 18 hours a day with interference from a local illegal grow-op. The interference shouldn't affect my ability to hear too badly its just more irritating than anything else... The residence has been identified and the police have received a complaint so it should disappear along with a tenant in my area soon...

VLF grabber and audio stream remain active.

73 Scott

On 8/12/2011 8:22 PM, Knight Ao wrote:

BTW, hope you will get your LF grabbers back online

Yas - JA8SCD/1

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