Some years ago we had lightning strike a nearby lamp-post. All of the
video recorders in the street were destroyed - except mine! I assumed
that my earthed antenna formed a Faraday screen protecting my
Mike, G3XDV
> >On the bright side, TL084s are quite reasonably priced fuses, so
> >perhaps an IC socket would be the best investment ;-)
> Heh! Both the original part and its replacement were pulled from an
> old pcb and cost nothing. Next time I'll use something else or
> perhaps no preamp at all as dj1zb recommends. I had these loops for
> years on LF without a preamp but found the VLF SAQ signal a bit too
> weak here to feed directly into a soundcard. Somehow I don't fancy
> the idea of putting protection against lightning strikes in the shack.
> Bill