He seems to be new on the band. No other stations visible in the moment.
Surely it would be a positive impulse if new stations could get some
QSOs. This could start a positive spiral of activity. It's up to us...
DL6NN in JO30VC, OM Lutz. 99km distant to me, 250km to DF6NM.
73, Stefan/DK7FC, still in QSO
Am 22.07.2011 19:05, schrieb Stefan Schäfer:
...a screenshot...
73, Stefan
PS: Now visible at DF6NM, probably just due to the 2uV/m setting...
Am 22.07.2011 18:54, schrieb Stefan Schäfer:
A new (?) station, DL6NN is QRV on 137 NOW. I am in QSO with him and
it will take some time it seems ;-)
DL6NN is not visible on the DF6NM grabber. So is it a weak local
station? Can someone see that station as well?
73, Stefan/DK7FC