On 31 May 2010 at 18:22, Rik Strobbe wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> just one thing to keep in mind: a transformer with a voltage ratio of
> about 430 (300/0.7) will also act as a 1 to 185000 impedance
> transformer. As a result the slightest resistive load at the HV side
> (eg. a 1 Meg Ohm resistor across the HV side) will probably do collapse
> the output voltage.
> 73, Rik ON7YD
Yes, I am getting more and more confused about how you are using these
transformers and what you are trying to do with them.
If you are talking about transformers with a tapped primary (designed
for interfacing with a transistor line output stage) and a seperate EHT
winding which has a direct output to drive a tripler
multiplier/rectifier at around 7kV (to produce 25kV EHT) then that
secondary winding will be designed for a maximum EHT current of a few
mA, maybe under 1mA depending on the CRT design. How are you going to
match that into a 50 ohm load?...
73 Dave G3YMC