Dave Sergeant wrote:
One point is that with the K2 you cannot set a narrow filter at 1.5kHz
(a limitation of the tuning range of its IF BFO). I am sure if you used
such a narrow receive filter the results would be spectacularly better,
but I am stuck with the SSB filter.
Dave, LF
I'm not sure this would really be a big improvement.
I guess the only benefit one would gain is if there was a strong signal
within the receiver's SSB passband, but outside the WSPR 200Hz region,
that was upsetting the receiver's AGC.
If this isn't the case then the DSP filtering of WSPR itself should
suffice. After all WSPR is capable of discriminating between adjacent
WSPR transmissions <10Hz apart.
I wouldn't worry about the lack of a narrow IF filter in most
circumstances, especially on 500kHz. 40m might be another story!
Clousta, Shetland