And maybe if you take the attenuators out again you will reach the
dizzy heights of Bracknell.... I did monitor till around 10pm last
night but no sign, but the QRN got attrocious and I even lost copy of
Jim. IO think it was a bit late when I turned on this morning, with
lower noise, but no sign. But if Jim is copying you I am not really
that much further (well at 120km it is about twice the distance...).
73 Dave G3YMC
On 14 Sep 2009 at 15:52, Roger Lapthorn wrote:
> This afternoon I fired up my 700mW 500kHz WSPR beacon and wet string
> (ERP microwatts) and got 3 reports from G3XVL at 61kms.
> So, I tried putting a 6dB then a 10dB attenuator between the PA and the
> ATU. Even with the power from the PA of just 70mW (never mind what that
> would be as ERP from the antenna) he still gave me a -25dB S/N report!
> These were the three reports in reverse ordder:
> 2009-09-14 14:42 G3XBM 0.503829 -25 1 JO02dg 0.001 G3XVL JO02nb
> 61 112 2009-09-14 14:40 G3XBM 0.503827 -23 1 JO02dg 0.001
> G3XVL JO02nb 61 112 2009-09-14 14:36 G3XBM 0.503823 -18 1
> JO02dg 0.001 G3XVL JO02nb 61 112
> 73s
> Roger