Well, easy for some (I can see) but NOT for me. What am I doing wrong?
t: 24 f: 0.367 a:-0.5 dp: 85.8 ci: 1 cj: 0 1STCG6J2X7EUEWZ ?
t: 48 f: 0.366 a:-0.4 dp: 85.7 ci: 2 cj: 0 VP*JV9IX47R60ZC ?
You are not alone Roger....
2009-09-10 20:05:04 >WOLF10 -r 8000 -f 700 -t 10 -d 8 -w 0.0000
t: 24 f:-3.282 a: 0.2 dp:131.5 ci: 1 cj:202 Y 6NQSDZ42XVQHU ?
t: 48 f:-3.282 a: 0.2 dp:128.8 ci: 7 cj:252 XHW/EU864G09IUO ?
t: 96 f:-3.429 a: 0.1 dp:126.6 ci: 6 cj:472 SCE6XF5ZOGYP0IY -
t: 192 f:-3.477 pm: 8690 jm:456 q: -6.9 -8.0 HIQ*QAUZFJGT8XB ?
t: 288 f:-3.770 pm:11554 jm:455 q: -8.3 -7.8 K2WH67SKZF20??? ?
t: 384 f:-3.477 pm:11696 jm:455 q: -4.8 -4.9 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 480 f:-3.477 pm:13507 jm:455 q: -4.8 -5.7 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 576 f:-2.891 pm:20843 jm:453 q: -3.7 -8.0 0XB7VQ6W169B0J9 ?
t: 672 f:-2.891 pm:20855 jm:453 q: -3.5 -7.9 0XB7VQ6W169B0J9 ?
t: 768 f:-2.891 pm:20862 jm:453 q: -3.4-10.2 DGC1ALF5ZELF5HS ?
At least there are a couple of valid decodes there, but my quality
fields are way way below those of John's.
Like WSPR another of these toys which I will probably never look at
73 Dave G3YMC
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