Hello LF,
My attempt to use the soundcard for both programs at the same time is
2056 -2 0.7 0.503931 0 SM6BHZ JO57 30
2104 7 0.9 0.503931 0 SM6BHZ JO57 30
2009-09-10 20:59:21 >WOLF10 -r 7997.017 -f 1100 -t 3 -d 5 -w 0.0000
t: 24 f: 0.145 a: 1.4 dp:105.8 ci: 0 cj:224 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 48 f: 0.146 a: 1.3 dp:104.1 ci: 0 cj:224 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 96 f: 0.145 a: 1.4 dp: 98.9 ci: 0 cj:224 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 192 f: 0.156 pm:352.0 jm:511 q: 6.4 5.6 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
t: 288 f: 0.146 pm:629.2 jm:512 q: 11.4 11.2 M0BMU IO91VR 2W -
RX tuned to 502.4 and WOLF centre freq adjusted to 1100Hz to comensate.
Note my -r 7997.017 came from the WOLF calibration routine, as described