Alan Melia wrote:
Hi Alberto, you must have got a pension increase !!
Hi Alan,
on the contrary ! With the new (well, it was new one year ago...) leftist government we enjoy now in Italy, there
has been a tax increase, which means less money to spend for yourself...
But registering a domain name complete with DNS services and an unlimited (within reason..) Web space linked to it,
costs about 25 Euro/year (VAT included), so even a poor retired man as me can afford it... I found a nice hobby-related
domain name still free, and I registered it at my name, complete with the Web space. As soon as the move will be done,
my programs will be accessible both with the new name and also with the old name, but now free from any
form of ads and pop-ups. was a nice idea at the beginning, and then very usable. But with the increase of the number of the users (and
hence of the cost for maintaining the server farm), it has declined up to the point of being almost unusable for the
very slow response time. I don't like the politic of its maintainer, of giving free space and then asking for voluntary
contributions. It would be much more sensible to ask a modest fee related to the services one requests. But of course
everyone is entitled to his opinions and free to act according to them.
73 Alberto I2PHD