On 11 May 2007 at 20:59, Dave G3WCB wrote:
> Hi, Dave, LF.
> You're a good signal here - about 589, by ear. Antenna is a 20m "Tee"
> at 5m, tuned by the ubiquitious plastic bucket variometer, 500 kHz
> preselector into an ICOM IC-PCR1000.
> 73, Dave G3WCB IO91RM
Many thanks Dave!
Still not got the matching sorted out as the SWR is pretty lousy but
think the coil is now on resonance. Called G3KEV and G3XIZ earlier
with no results so was getting disheartened... Did some tests earlier
across town with John G3NCN who has only an untuned antenna for
500kHz - his 579 report didn't fill me with enthusiasm either but at
least the signal sounded nice and clean to him.
Hope to get the matching sorted over the next few days, but it is not
helped with the current horrible weather and I have a few other
things to occupy me before Monday.
Your QRRS3 is pretty strong here in Bracknell (IO91PJ)!
73 Dave G3YMC