Hi Rich,
your beacon was visible here yesterday 17.01.01, 22:11 UT on 136.359 kHz, qsb
peaking abt +3 dBµV/m. Hardly audible, but callsign just readable above the
noise (Spectrogram 5.4 Hz/bin). The DCF-intermodulation cancelling circuit
helped a bit, but I'm still lacking a loop-vertical-combination to get
single-sided directivity towards the east.
Today since 19:30 I heard your cq on 137.06 kHz, up to +6 dBµV/m, ufb aural
copy. This frequency is much clearer here than the lower part of the band.
Hope to cu, perhaps in qrss mode.
Good dx
Markus, DF6NM in JN59NK