Thank you Alan! very well! I little to accept up to 5 Mo on my E-mail
with the ADSL (500 ko/sec)
I little also to give you a key to deposit it on my Website. Or then you
can deposit it on your Website,
no problems thank you still.
73 qro Jean-Pierre f1afj
Alan Melia a écrit :
Hi Jean-Pierre, I have a PDF copy of it somewhere on my machines. Can you
take several mbytes of attachments? If so I will mail it to (provided I dont
run into problems with the attachment size I can send.....again!) If that
proves difficult I can mount it temporarily on my web site for you to down
Cheers de Alan G3NYK
----- Original Message -----
From: Jean-Pierre Méré <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: 08 December 2006 23:02
Subject: LF: SPM-3 W & G
Hi all on the list !
I seek manual W & G SPM-3 if times somebody have it !
73 qro Jean-Pierre f1afj JN06ht
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