Conard WS4S wrote:
Greetings all,
I just accidentally won one of these on Ebay ... it will be worth what I
paid for it if it works at all. Any clues towards any special features
or general operating quirks? What sort of power cord does it use?
73 and Merry Christmas!
Conard, WS4S
I have one, and my suggestion is to get hold of its companion tracking generator PS60, and of the special connectors
needed to connect the two boxes on the rear. When done, you will have a nice setup to measure and characterize the
frequency response of components and such, from 6 kHz to 18 MHz. They are generally very accurate. Just pray to never
have to service it.... Open it and you will understand why....
My two boxes use the same power cord as a PC uses. Maybe those sold in the US
are different?
Good luck
73 Alberto I2PHD