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Re: LF: Re: Re: Graphic user interface for WOLF

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Re: Graphic user interface for WOLF
From: Wolf DL4YHF <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 22:19:23 +0200
Delivery-date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 21:19:11 +0100
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Hi John and Gary,
Seems I will have to check the program on a PC where Borland C was never installed, which can be done tomorrow on the QRL (during the lunch break of course.. hi hi ;-)

I just tried to convince the compiler/linker to produce an exe file which does not require any run-time libraries. I have uploaded the new archive at 20:17 UTC to the mentioned website.

Wolf .

John Andrews schrieb:


Found BORLNDMM.DLL on-line. Now need CP3245MT.DLL!

John A.

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