"TX/RX synchronisation" would reduce the time occupied by FFT by 100
or more (from several FFT/sec to 1 FFT/min). The "calculation power"
that becomes available could be used to improve SNR. But How ? Here we
need some smart guys. I think you are even a bit pessimistic about the
synchronisation error. It can be reduced to 1/10 of a second or even
better, if the PC clock is locked to a GPS source, DCF or similar.
73, Rik ON7YD
My point is that there has been a lot of discussion about locking to
GPS, or Loran, or some other standard, and it has failed to attract
any practical interest because it is more complex than most amateurs
would like.
An improvement could be made by simply making sure that the computers
at both ends are within a few seconds of each other (for QRSS 60 or
120), and ensuring that the FFT software knows roughly when the dot
period starts. As I understand it (and I know very little about FFT),
this would allow integration over a longer period and remove the need
for the sliding window that takes care of the randomly timed signals
(ie we could have nice square edges to the Morse).
Your 'QRS' software can already deal with transmission times locked
to the computer.
Perhaps there is someone out there who can comment on the receive
Mike, G3XDV