Hi Alex,
To verify your RX system, how about letting a slowly drifting oscillator
(like an LC-osc) run over the entire "RX window" ? If everything is ok,
a non-interrupted diagonal line should appear if the drift is slow
enough. If there are gaps in the line, something is wrong with the audio
processing, most likely loss of samples.
Besides this, in addition to Markus' post, if anyone is interested in
the C / C++ variant of his Colour Direction Finder to make a linux or
DOS port from it, just ask and I will send them to you via email. I gave
up my Linux-programming ambitions some years ago when it began eating up
all my spare time. But that was before the arrival of simple graphic
user interfaces, maybe its easier these days to write a simple spectrum
analyser - something like "Argo for Linux" ;-) .
Best regards,
Wolf DL4YHF .
Alexander S. Yurkov schrieb:
Scale was 0.25 Hz/pixel. I do not know why there is no second freq...
Somthing wrong in FFT?
73 de RA9MB/Alex