you gotta be kiddin' - 1 mHz, thats the last digit
of my frequency readout ;-)
Actually the Loran "reference" lines are also
mostly showing as xx.999 Hz now. As I haven't engaged samplerate tracking in
that SpecLab instance, the likely culprit is the soundcard crystal
which may have gone up by half a ppm or so due to aging. I
have adjusted the offset so I promise you'll come out on .000 next
time ;-)
Thanks for the splendid signal!
73, Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013
1:33 PM
Subject: Re: LF: VO1NA
Thank-you for the report and your
web reception services. Should the reference oscillator be tweaked a
bit? The carrier seems to have drifted down by a mHz over the past
73 Joe VO1NA ...