Dear all,
It was a nice evening - three new countries worked:
22:28z RU6LA 1383km M/O @3s dots
22:46z & 23:41 YU7AR 704km O/O @3s dots
01:00z M0BMU 1467km M/M @10s dots
A few minutes before getting on-air, I finished changing the
output trafo - now there are two cores sticked together, as for
the ouput power I am using now, one core is not enough - gets
HOT quickly. 12A & 38V, so around 400W has been put into the
antenna. Antenna current was around 1.5A. Still not much, but
enough. The TX has been totally rebuilt since my first QSO with
SM6PXJ, now there's a nice metal case and almost everything is
well-mounted. Almost everything - the RX preamp still uses a
double-sided scotch tape and it fell down during the last QSO :)
What a shame, I have to change the preamp board, cause it was
not designed to be mounted using screws or something HI
I must say I AM SORRY to everyone that might have been
interfered by my poor VCO, sweeping here and there +/-30Hz. The
previous VXO was better as for the stability, but it used to
stop generating sometimes and this might have caused serious
damage to the output FETs... Anyway, I will look for another
signal source.
Thanks to everyone, I will try to be on-air tomorrow evening
vy 73! Marek SQ5BPM
SP5ZCC Scouts Radio Club
Wojna jest pieklem, a pokój jest cholernie nudny - "Buffalo Soldiers"
- juz w kinach!!! < >