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LF: QRSS Feb. 13

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: QRSS Feb. 13
From: Kölpin Thomas <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 09:42:27 +0100
Organization: FH-Amberg-Weiden
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi all,

minus 10 degrees centigrade and a wonderful starry night without any QRM
bestowed me country no. 13 and 14!
Many thanks to

SM6BHZ, Bernt, 2210 UTC, OOO, always audible rst 539
MI0AYZ, Ian, 2326 UTC, OOO, sometimes audible rst 519

QSLs are already posted to your

Also seen:
I5TGC, Cesare, abt 1700 UTC, this time only TTT (no call, I expected my
XYL and wanted to prepare supper)
F6BWO, Jeff, abt 2200-2330 UTC, OOO, biggest signal on band, but we used
to call simultanously - sri Jeff, cul!

Vy 73, gl es cuagn de

Tom, DK1IS

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