Thanks for the explanation. You have always been able to explain deep
technical topics in a way I can understand. Now can any Hoover be
utilized for this application or do I need to purchase one from
John Andrews wrote:
> I just reviewed my overnight screen captures of Laurie's frequency.
> Absolutely nothing received here in North Carolina. John, are you using
> one of those wave magnets antennas I have seen advertised on TV? I
> suspect so since you seem to be sucking up most of Laurie's signal that
> makes it across.
I'm sorry (and somewhat perplexed) that you didn't hear anything.
On the other hand, you have come quite close to finding out my method.
Actually, my LF receiving antenna is manufactured by a company called
"Hoover." Think of it as a collection system for very low energy photons.
They are removed from the ether in much the same way that you would remove
dust from a carpet. In fact, to continue the analogy, the bag fills mostly
with things that you want to throw away. But mixed in with them are some
absolutely precious items. The chore is then to dump the bag out and pick up
the good stuff. I have found that when I point my collection system toward
the U.K. on a cold night, I get a higher percentage of that material. An
ingenious fellow in Italy wrote a computer program that allows me to do the
sorting, and it displays the results on a screen as little tracks that look
like they were left by a bird. I then put letters on the screen to identify
which bird made the tracks.
But to answer your question, I think the motor in my collection system is
too big, and none of the photons are making it past Massachusetts. I
apologize for that, and will shop for a smaller motor.
And if you will excuse me, it's time to empty the bag again. It's full of
some junk called "Loran."
John Andrews, W1TAG