Is there a beacon contest going on. Keep hearing microwatt transmissions
at this qth.
G3JKV has been at it all day long just below 136 khz with his 1w,
workable if he could send/receive normal cw. Has anyone ever worked this
man on normal cw.
Recent news from our man Gould at rsgb, beacons are not useful any more,
there are enough commercial stns active around 136 khz without amateur
What is the point?
I copy all of the beacons aurally without any visual aids. This is the
4th heard this past week or so,
they do not bother me but I am curious. Has this anything to do with the
Southern repeater, where one likes to hear ones self. Get a good LF
antenna installed and you can hear the microboys
direct with out aids. Worked DK7SU this afternoon, he was very weak and
gave me 559. I doubt if the repeater relay even heard him.