It was strangely quiet on 73kHz last night with the Rugby signal off the air. I
could hear all sorts of carriers and SMPSU noises that I had not heard for
years. To give an idea of how huge the Rugby signal is, my 's-meter' reads
S9+60 compared to Jim, M0BMU, some 12km away who is just S9, and
G3AQC who doesn't move the 'meter' at all. The sideband noise level from
Rugby moves the 'meter' to S3-5 (depending on whether it is using both data
channels) at the bottom of the band.
Managed a QRSS contact with G3AQC, my 10th station worked two-way on
the band.
I will be active on 71.610kHz, mainly QRSS, tonight and over the weekend
until Rugby returns. If I send 'KX', instead of 'K' at the end of a CQ, I will be
checking my own frequency, then looking for crossband calls on 137.700kHz
+/- 20Hz. All reports are welcome.
Mike, G3XDV (IO91VT)