Just received in the mail the RSGB's advance information leaflets re the
12-14 October meeting in Windsor.
There was *no* mention whatsoever of anything LF, in spite of the
interest generated, last year, by our LF exhibits, lectures,
demonstrations and participation.
Will RSGB management ever recognize LF as something different?
André Kesteloot N4ICK
I will pass this on to those concerned, but I have to say that there are two lectures on
136kHz, both covering the transatlantic DX area:
The 136 kHz Transatlantic QSOs - Peter Dodd, G3LDO
LF solar disturbance and 136 kHz propagation - Alan Melia, G3NYK
Did these not make the publicity leaflet?
Mike, G3XDV (IO91VT)