Hi Laurie , First I'll belistening tonihgt es tmw night
About antenna . I wonder
if the increase in efficiancy is caused by the higher antenna capacity
which permits smaller coil and therefore less loss due to coil resistance.
This might also explain the big signals from Jack and the OH station.
I am thinking of putting up a 50 ft vertical with a 400 ft long wire from
top. How does that sound?
CU tonight 73 de John VE1ZJ
Laurie Mayhead wrote:
Tom / John,Most of the wire
is in one length although it zig zags to get it into available space ,looks
like a letter N with the vert. section connected to the top
of the RH vert stroke.There is a short, 80ft peice of wire also connected
here which goes off at the same angle as the cross stroke of the N. This
seems to have a greater effect in increasing the Ant. capacitance than
it does in reducing the R.res but then it is pretty short.To answer Johns
question yes, the Ant. cap is increased by the new section. The loading
coil inductance dropping from 1.8mH to 1.35mH.73s