Hi Laurie es Peter. I watched the screen caerfully last night . Sorry
, Peter , I didn't knoe you were on. I will always be using 30 sec dots
. That will restrict my receive window. Last night i was receiving
from 71.920 to around 71.929. I recommend all transmit between .920 and
.929. Peter if you can't move tellme es I will readjust freq. Can
you change to 30 sec dots?
Last night the K index was a 3. I have only seen Eu twice
when k is 3 es never when K was higher.
I thought I saw the number " 3" once es seven or eight
minutes later the letter "G". The freq , however, was wrong . It was
more like 71.921.5. Could that have been you, Laurie. I"m writing
this at work . As i remember it time was around 0150Z
Condx were disturbed last night Eu ,UA3,HA es G
stations on 14 mHz were strong but ua9 es other Asian stations were very
weak, es I couldn't raise them
That's it for now I'm ready when you are for more testing. 73
de John VE1ZJ